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[1]        M. Word Ries, C. Adriaansen, S. Aldobai, Kevin Berry, A. Bocar Bal, M.C. Catenaccio, M. M. Cigliano, D. A. Cullen, T. Deveson, A. Diongue, B. Foquet, J. Hadrich, D. Hunter, D. L. Johnson, J. Pablo Karnatz, C. Lange, D. Lawtong, M. Lazar, A. V. Latchininsky, M. Lecoq, M. Le Gall, J. Lockwood, B. Manneh, R. Overson, B. F. Peterson, C. Piou, M. A. Poot-Pech, Brian E. Robinson, Stephen M. Rogers, Hojun Song, S. Springate, C. Therville, E. Trumper, C. Waters, D. A. Woller, J. P. Youngblood, L. Zhang, A. Cease. Submitted. “Global perspectives and transdisciplinary opportunities for locust and grasshopper pest management and research”.



[13]      J. Brosemann, R. Overson, A.J. Cease, S. Millerwise, and M. Le Gall. 2023 “Nutrient supply and accessibility in plants: effect of protein and carbohydrates on Australian plague locust (Chortoicetes terminifera) preference and performance”. Frontiers in Insect Science, DOI: 10.3389/finsc.2023.1110518


[12]      M. Le Gall, A. Beye, M. Diallo, and A. Cease. 2022 “Generational variation in nutrient regulation for an outbreaking herbivore.” Oikos,


[11]      M. Le Gall, M. Boucher, and J.F. Tooker. 2022 “Planted-green cover crops in maize/soybean rotations confer stronger bottom-up than top-down control of slugs”. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, Vol 334,


[10]      Lawton D., M. Le Gall, C. Waters, and A. Cease. 2021 “Mismatched diets: defining the nutritional landscape of grasshopper communities in a stochastic environment.” Ecosphere,


[9]        Le Gall, M., M.L. Word, A. Beye, and A.J. Cease. 2021 “Physiological status is a stronger predictor of nutrient selection than ambient plant nutrient content for a wild herbivore.” Current Research in Insect Science,


[8]        Le Gall, M., M.L. Word, N. Thompson, A. Beye, and A. J. Cease. 2020 "Nitrogen fertilizer decreases survival and reproduction of locusts by increasing plant protein to carbohydrate ratio." Journal of Animal Ecology,


[7]        Lawton D., C. Waters, M. Le Gall, and A. Cease. 2020 “Woody vegetation remnants within pastures influence locust distribution: testing bottom-up and top-down control.” Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment,


[6]        Le Gall, M., M.L. Word, N. Thompson, B. Manneh, A. Beye, and A. J. Cease. 2019 "Linking land use and the nutritional ecology of herbivores: a case study with the Senegalese locust." Functional Ecology: vol 34, 1:167-181,


[5]        Le Gall, M., R. Overson, and A. J. Cease. 2019 "A global review on locusts (Orthoptera: Acrididae) and their interactions with livestock grazing practices." Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7: 263,


[4]        Le Gall M., J.F. Tooker, 2017. "Developing ecologically based management program for terrestrial molluscs in field and forage crop." Journal of Pest Science: vol 90, 3: 825-838,


[3]        Caballero I.C., Sakla A.J., Detwiler J.T., Le Gall M., Behmer S.T., Criscione C.D. 2015, “Physiological status drives metabolic rate in Mediterranean geckos infected with pentastomes.” PlosOne 10.12,


[2]        Le Gall M., S.T. Behmer, 2014. "Effects of Protein and Carbohydrate on an Insect Herbivore: The Vista from a Fitness Landscape." Integrative and comparative biology: 54.5: 942-954,


[1]        Insausti C.T., M. Le Gall and C.R. Lazzari. 2013. "Oxidative stress, photodamage and the role of screening pigments in insect eyes." The Journal of experimental biology 216.17: 3200-3207,



[1]        M. Le Gall, M. Touré, M. Lecoq, L. Marescot, A. Cease, and I. Maiga, 2023. Senegalese grasshopper: A major pest of the Sahel. - In: Biological and Environmental Hazards, Risks, and Disasters. 2nd edition. Elsevier, pp. p77-97. ISBN: 9780128205099,


Non peered review

[4]        Le Gall M., 2021. “Écologie nutritionnelle des herbivores”. Passion-Entomologie, 1750 views (Aug 2022),


[3]        Le Gall, M., M.L. Word, B. Manneh, R. Farington, A.B. Beye, A.J. Cease 2018. "Linking land use and the nutritional ecology of the locusts: the case of the Senegalese locust (Oedaleus senegalensis)." Metaleptea, Volume 38 (1),


[2]        Le Gall, M. 2014. Le Gall, Marion. “Diet-mixing in a generalist herbivore: Trade-offs between nutrient and allelochemical regulation”. Ph.D. dissertation, Texas A&M University.


[1]        Le Gall, M. 2012. "A physiological investigation of nutrient-allelochemical interactions in the generalist grasshopper Melanoplus differentialis (Orthoptera: Caelifera: Acrididae)." Metaleptea, Volume 32 (3),



May 2023 – Interview with 12 News Interview about the grasshopper outbreak in the Phoenix metro area.


February 2023 – Interview with Chris Jeffries for The Homeless Romantic Podcast.


December 2022 – Interview with Green Valley News about the recent abundance of grasshoppers in the Green Valley area.


September 2021 – Interview with the Arizona Republic about insect activity in the record-breaking monsoons (


April 2021 – Article in the Mesa Tribune for Earth Month,


August 2020 – Article in ASU NOW about our paper published in the Journal of Animal Ecology, Tempe, AZ (


August 2020 – Short video presentation within a webinar for the 1st Virtual Practitioners Conference on Desert Locust Management by (


February 2020 – Interviews with Arizona-PBS, the State Press, and KJZZ-NPR about locust outbreaks in Eastern Africa and the Middle East, Tempe, AZ


July 2019 – Interviews with Cronkite News and Fox 10 about the pallid-winged grasshopper outbreak, Tempe, AZ (


April 2019 – Interview for the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability, Tempe, AZ (


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